Press & Accolades
“The Seraphim Singers need only a few selections to reveal what a fine choral group this is. In defining choral sound, one looks for individual merits like choral tone, blend and balance, intonation, rhythmic vitality, artistic phrasing, appropriate style, and a certain joy in making music. Most good groups have some of these characteristics and one can enjoy those that convince you of their interpretations. Seraphim Singers has all the qualities listed here and with their focused repertoire for each concert, their performances become a model for putting together an enjoyable afternoon.” —Orpheus Press
“an impressive union of concept and sound.” —Boston Classical Review
“Ingenious programming by Jennifer Lester . . . Members of Seraphim smoothly transitioned between the rich homophony and cantankerous imitative passages of Cooman’s composition, presenting the premiere with an intense, purposeful line that brought the work to life.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“This forty-member chorus is capable of an attractive and fluent balance that rivals Boston’s best vocal ensembles.” —Boston Classical Review
“The ensemble under Jennifer Lester met the challenges of contrapuntal complexity, double choruses, pungent harmonies, and long a cappella stretches with soaring ease.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“Anyone who cares about these genres owes it to him/herself to hear this gifted ensemble whenever possible.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“The chorus, as it did throughout the concert, proffered subtle colors, precise and immaculate ensemble, and perfect intonation.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“the ensemble was in fine form, performing incredibly challenging choral repertoire with a high degree of finesse.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“The distinctive timbre of Seraphim’s blend and stunning intonation were well-suited to the program, richly sensitive in the lower registers and poignantly luminous in the sopranos.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“As always with the Seraphim Singers, one discovered gems. The singing was as nuanced and beautiful as the selections were surprising and diverse.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer
“directed and intense . . . rich and well-balanced . . . marked by warm-toned singing and discreet attention to dynamics.” —Boston Classical Review
“a high level of emotional engagement and musical competence.”
—Boston Musical Intelligencer
“‘Divine Encounters brought to First Church in Cambridge an atmosphere of excellence, discovery, and beauty that is the hallmark of Seraphim’s concerts.” —Boston Musical Intelligencer