To schedule an appointment for an audition please email chorus manager Caroline Scheibe at carolinescheibe@gmail.com. Include a brief sound clip if available, voice part, and a resume or accounting of your choral experience and vocal study, if any.
There is no participation fee associated with singing in Seraphim. Scores are provided for each concert cycle, and should be returned to our choral librarian following the concert.
Mid-season auditions are possible. During our concert season we invite experienced singers in all voice parts to apply at any time. Depending on where we are in our rehearsal cycles will determine the timing of your joining mid-season.
Rehearsals are Mondays from 7:00–9:30 pm on the second floor of the parish house at the Church of Our Saviour, 25 Monmouth Street in Brookline. On street parking is available in the neighborhood and the church is a short walk from the T. Masking at rehearsals is optional.