First-Timer’s Guide
If you’re reading this page, it means you may be joining us soon for a concert, and we love that. We care about growing our audience and making sure people who are new to choral music have a great experience.
The information below may be helpful. If any of your questions have not been answered here, you can email us at info@seraphimgsingers.org. See you soon!
COVID-19 Policy: We currently do not require masking or proof of vaccination. Our venues are fairly spacious and allow for a certain amount of social distancing. Details.
Venues: Our primary performance spaces are First Church in Cambridge and Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury. Occasionally we use other sites as well. Venue information.
Tickets: Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. Either way, we’ll have room for you! Our prices are generally lower than other arts organizations, and purposefully so. Advance ticket prices are $22 for general, $17 for senior, and $10 for students. Prices at the door are $25, $20, and $10. Purchase advance tickets on-line.
Concert Length: After resuming performances following the pandemic, our programs were shortened to one hour with no intermission. In the current season you can expect a similar format — about 60 to 75 minutes with no intermission.
Seating: All seating at our concerts is open and generally all seats are good for seeing and hearing. Some like to be close to the performers and others prefer a little distance. At our venue in Cambridge there is the added option of balcony seating.
Dress: We encourage you to dress comfortably and be yourself. If you’re going to a fancy restaurant before or after the concert, you can dress accordingly. If you’re the informal type, come in jeans.
Program Notes: Familiarizing yourself with the music and the composers isn’t necessary to enjoying and benefitting from the concert. Just listening is fine and works well for many people. If you want to do some advance study, we provide program notes about four weeks prior to concerts. Program notes.
Applause: In our program booklets we suggest applauding at the conclusion of sections, rather than after each piece. That said, we love enthusiasm shown on the part of our audiences, even if not exactly at the right point! If you’re unsure, wait for others to start the applause.
Phones: You can keep your phone on during the concert, but in silent mode. If you tend to check your phone frequently, you might want to sit where you won’t distract others.
Community Outreach: Seraphim, our singers, and audience members are invited to participate in our outreach program for the homeless. Mostly people donate clothing by bringing it to the concerts, but volunteering and donating financially are possibilities too, as is giving via Amazon gift list. Outreach details.